Five Keys Online

Are you ready for your new journey? The orientation program you’ll discover here will help you to discover your potential as an online Five Keys student. Watch the video, then use each of the units represented below to start exploring!


Select an image below to begin a unit of study. We recommend you begin with Unit 1 and move through the curriculum sequentially, but feel free to visit and revisit any of the material at any time. 

Unit 1

Discover, explore, and develop your student identity. Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes.  

If you have limited Internet access, you can download the PDF version. to print or read.

Unit 2

Learn more about assessments- when to take them & how they help you succeed. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes.

Unit 3

Use what you’ve learned about the road ahead to create a plan for success! Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes.

Unit 4

Get to know your teachers as they take you through some important details about your online education and the next steps.

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